Why Spring is the Best Time to Start a Walking Habit

Why Spring is the Best Time to Start a Walking Habit

As the colors of spring begin to spring up, there's no better time to lace up your shoes and go outside for a walk. And while every season offers its own unique charm, spring stands out as an ideal time to cultivate a walking habit that sticks well beyond the first signs of buds. 

Let's explore a few of the many reasons why spring is actually the perfect season to embark on a new walking habit. 

Embracing Nature

Spring is essentially a season of renewal—the dormant landscapes begin to burst back to life with blossoming flowers, budding trees, the chirping of birds, and all kinds of life-affirming feelings of renewal. What better way to immerse yourself in this rejuvenating environment than by taking a walk through it all? Strolling through fresh greenery and new blooms can uplift the spirits and provide a welcome escape from the confines of indoor spaces many of us have been stuck in for months. And that’s always a great thing. Just don’t forget about sun protection and make sure you have a hat

Ideal Weather Conditions

In most places, spring tends to bring mild, pleasant weather that makes the outdoors a lot more inviting than in previous months. With better temperatures and longer daylight hours, it’s much easier to get outside and stay there for longer periods—often without the need for bulky clothing layers. Even on the occasional cooler days that are still putting up a fight from time to time, walking can warm your body up just enough to make the temps much more bearable. It may even feel a little refreshing! 

New Horizons

It may sound a little cheesy, but there’s just something about spring that makes it feel like a time of exploration and discovery. You’ve been cooped up inside for months, and now it’s time to get back out there and see what’s going on. Even if you already have some favorite walking or running routes, now is a great time to venture beyond your usual paths and discover new horizons. You can explore different neighborhoods, parks, scenic areas in your part of town you’ve never really been through on foot—whatever gets you outside! 

Health Benefits

The health benefits of walking are well-documented, and spring provides an optimal opportunity to reap the rewards. Regular walking can improve cardiovascular health, boost mood, alleviate stress, and enhance overall well-being. By incorporating walking into your daily routine during the spring months, you can kickstart your fitness journey and lay the foundation for a healthier lifestyle that sticks throughout the year. 

So, whether you aim to shed a few pounds before pool season kicks in, increase your energy levels, or simply enjoy nature, starting a consistent walking habit in the spring sets the stage for your success.

Ready to get started? Some new gear might be the just thing you need to hit the ground… walking. Check out our men’s active shoes and women’s active shoes to find your new pair so you can fully welcome spring and embrace what’s to come. 

And once you’ve started your new routine, here are some great tips to keep your walking habit consistent. Plan on moving up to running eventually? We’ve got some advice on how to get started running in four easy steps

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